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how to get my password

Yvette Rodriguez 11 years ago updated by nimbusweb 11 years ago 1

Расширение групп

loonb7 10 years ago 0
Сделайте пожалуйста растяжку групп и редактирование их ширины вверху страницы. групп много, они все кучей, а лишнее свободное место не используется. Очень надо. Из за этого дополнения я вообще стал пользоваться firefox, до этого была опера.
С уважением, Анатолий.

Settings synchronization

Pavel Shumigaj 11 years ago 0

You are very well implemented synchronization for Dials. I also propose to synchronize user settings.


Tags and subfolders

Gamble Hoitz 9 years ago updated by IssacEinstein 4 years ago 1
Tags for bookmarks it's a great idea! This will greatly simplify navigation. Sometimes you need to allocate part of of tabs in a group. So, tags and subfolders it's great idea!

Expanding Widgets to access Extentions

Andy Elliott 11 years ago updated by nimbusweb 11 years ago 3

This would greatly enhance your widget base. 



ZloyAlex 10 years ago 0

очень доволен Вашим продуктом !!! все удобно, эстетично ) радует глаз


add icon block button

Vanessa Faulkinbury-Cook 11 years ago updated by Don Roy 11 years ago 1
There needs to be a button to add a website to your icon page without having to go to the page and add it and then go back and so on. Easy to find and plain to see and use.

Sync view count

John VB 11 years ago 0

I sync between 3 different computers. Although the dials are all synced in doesn't sync the number of views. Because of this the "Popular" tab is very different on each computer. it would be nice if this synced as well.

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