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Under review

WIll it be compatible with Firefox 57?

benzenerulez 7 years ago updated by nimbusweb 7 years ago 1

WIll it be compatible with Firefox 57?

Under review

Now that Microsoft Edge suports extensions, are you gonna make FVD Speed Dial for Edje?

maze07 8 years ago updated by Jacob Miles 5 years ago 5

I want to change from using Mozilla Firefox to Microsoft's Edge, and the only reason why I haven't change yet, is that FVD Speed Dial is not available to this browser. Is there any chance that FVD Speed Dial, will be available for Edge?


Sub groups within groups

Hmmm 8 years ago 0

It would be great to have sub-groups or folders within the main groups. This would really improve bookmark organisation & quick access.


Import your bookmarks

Tom Tancredi 8 years ago 0

Simply import your bookmarks / from a html of the bookmarks into the page.

Should include capability to do nested folders as well

Under review

Speed Dial [FVD] 12.3.1 with CCleaner 5.16.5551

GECCA 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 5

Every time when I start Chrome, an error message comes on my screen says that "Restoring corrupted files.." right after I use CCleaner (Version 5.16.5551). Do you know why?


Пожалуйста, сделайте настройку поисковой системы. Заранее благодарен

11 years ago updated by Владимир Матвеев 8 years ago 1

Пожалуйста, сделайте настройку поисковой системы. Заранее благодарен!


option to set different column numbers for each Group

bvicil 10 years ago 0
may be some of our groups have 11 webpage and another have 5. i should do that in first group number of cols=6, and second group to 3 may be.
Under review

Не работает синхронизация дилов

gpoBoceKaC 10 years ago updated by nimbusweb 10 years ago 4
Пытался импортировать дилы из Mozilla в Chrome. в Mozilla все нормально работает и синхронизирует, а в Chrome окно синхронизации с сервером просто зависает и ничего не делает. При этом в EverHelper все мои дилы и закладки присутствуют.
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