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I got only 35 tiles, and I have to scroll. Finally, do something with that limit 150×94! AAAAARGH

Юль Владимрн vor 7 Jahren 0

Please add ability to resize dials to LESS than 150×94 px

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There are no more URLs under the icons. The 'show url' is clicked in the settings, but still doesn't show.

joyce greer2 vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert vor 7 Jahren 4

There's no URL under the icons even though I clicked for the URLs to show and the name of the website that used to be above the icons is not there either. I'd like them back.


Can not arrange dials since update. They go back to order created.

Dbelleman vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 3

If I create a new dial I can't move it to where I want it. It goes right back to the bottom of the page after I drag it to the top.

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Rusłan vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 1


appears blank page with this adress when starting firefox

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titles do not show in new upgrade

FWHouraney vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert vor 7 Jahren 4

I have checked the 'Icons/Titles Show in 'Appearance' BUT Only the icons show even though there are Titles for the Dial.  This has just happened since latest upgrade

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I was greeted with the 'new' Firefox version and seem to have lost all my Speed dials. How do I recover them.

Alan Toms vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 1
Wird überprüft

Dials and tabs background color

fred vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 7 Jahren 1

I would like to change the background color of the dials and the tabs.

The grey color (default) is horrible.

In the previous version, the background colours was white, very very better of the grey.


Not compatible with FF57

krajczynski vor 7 Jahren 0

Speed Dial [FVD] my best plugin was disabled in FF57, I managed to move the whole thing to chrome. I prefer to use FF. Please correct the plugin. Thanks


Anthing I should do to have the widget appear in the FVD main page

One fine day of Autumn vor 7 Jahren 0

 they don't and they are enabled in chrome and fvd settings. I installed and reinstalled everything and authorized

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