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It loads to slow, you could do lots to improve performance

JM C vor 9 Jahren 0
The performance is too slow, at this rate when I open a new tab and type something in the bar I get a quicker response.
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Give us language option please... Taiwan is not belong to China

Yuh Ren Huang vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 10 Jahren 3
Give us language option please... Taiwan is not belong to China

Initial Download hangs with Chrome

Laura Ess (Elsie Brook) vor 11 Jahren 0
I installed Everysync on Firefox and uploaded my bookmarks. No problem (about 1100 bookmarks).

I installed Everysync on Chrome and tried to initially download the bookmarks, and it seems to hand, never completing the process. 

All cool but i want Google search, not Yandex! :)

Руслан Майер vor 10 Jahren 0

Middle-click to open new tab broken

Bujiraso vor 11 Jahren 0
When I middle click to open a new tab nothing happens, but if I hammer it repeatedly, after four or five clicks one will open.
It seems these events are getting dropped somewhere. I assume this functionality is not intended

Option to load multiple local background images, or image folder, and autocycle

William Pickering vor 10 Jahren 0
Having the ability to add more background images to select from.  The image could autocycle, change with a click of a button, or on every load.

[major annoyance] when capturing dial images, a new window is opened for each capture

Tcll 5850 vor 10 Jahren 0
When I first tried this out on Comodo Dragon nearly a year back, I was able to get a decent image w/o FVD needing to capture from a new window.

This is a performace killer for me and a major inconvenience especially while I'm trying to type in anything.
both my skype and forum posts get interrupted by the new window while I'm typing.

please restore the old support or find a better method :(
perhapse a hidden <iframe> with an anti-frame-killer script.
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Can I sync across Chrome and Firefox

Bernard Victor vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 10 Jahren 1
How can I sync my speed dials between Chrome and Firefox.

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