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I would like a standard...

I would like included as a standard layout, background and unadorned by "default." And for fans of these functions include, as additional options .....

Wird überprüft

Where can I download Speed ​​Dial [FVD] for Chrome?

Arseny Blokhin vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 10 Jahren 2
Where can I download Speed Dial [FVD] for Chrome?

Sub groups would be great

Lain vor 9 Jahren 0
  1. Speed Dial
  2. Group
  3. Sub Group
  4. Position
  5. Site

    Choose the position when I save it would be nice.

    Image 226

How do I stop the Android ad appearing everytime I open FVD Speed Dial

vor 11 Jahren 0
An Android Ad has started to flash up everytime I open FVD how do I stop it?

Add option to remove icon count in group buttons

Nazca vor 11 Jahren 0

Currently the menu buttons (group buttons) show the number of icons within the group (shown in brackets). This is a bit of a waste of valuable space (given that, at present, only a limited number of group buttons can be shown at once). It would be good to add an option such that the icon count can be removed.


zoom for previews

BarzX ___ vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von jonafexx vor 7 Jahren 1
some pages are hard to identified. they have logos and more, but previews are so small

I know it's hard to do it since I'm programmer too, but put a zoom with positional selection can make previews more adaptatives and usefull than all the page on little squares

btw, it's authorized, not authorised

I would love to be able to remove the search bar

Antonio Thomas vor 10 Jahren 0

to open private tab with speed dial

frenchatak vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von Shohidul Islam vor 10 Jahren 1
It could be very cool if we can open a private tab with the speed dial. Can you put one option to do that ?

convert bookmarks to dials

Steven vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert von John Cross vor 10 Jahren 1
I have bookmarks, but prefer dials, I want it to convert my current bookmarks to dials

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