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Nimbus Screen Capture - Firefox 40 - Selected Area stopped working

CAKCy vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 9 Jahren 4
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0
BuildID: 20150409030206

Selected area option: Zoomed pop-up comes up but it doesn't refresh and mouse becomes unresponsive.
Entire page and Visible part of the page are working fine.

система поиска

Тимур Корнилин vor 9 Jahren 0
Хотелось бы использовать поиск гугл, а не яндекс,а в остальном все супер. Надеюсь сделаете возможность выбора поисковой системы

Change color of the Checker Plus for Google Calendar Widget

Mladen Horvatić vor 9 Jahren 0
I can change the color of Checker Plus Widget for Gmail, I would like to be able to change the color of the Calendar Widget accordingly. Thanks
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I can't install Adroid version as my phone should be not compatibel. What can be the problem?

Apekop vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von Taksakorn Saeoung vor 7 Jahren 2

to show as "most visited" the content of a folder of my bookmark .

ironmanspcasa vor 9 Jahren 0
Hi. I am looking for a bar with this option: posibility to show as "most visited" the content of a folder of my bookmark . in this folfder I have my personal pages (not always the most used). is it posible to do it wit your bar?

Hello. Please make your application compatible with Firefox on Android!

Igor P vor 10 Jahren 0

Sync never, ever in sync between browsers or PC's.

Mike Weissenborn vor 11 Jahren 0

I always have to manually update server or browser and get totally lost.  Deleted links may show up months later, nothing ever seems in sync, the server doesn't seem to get updates unless I do a replace.  I add new dial at work but don't see it at home...

Replace SUCKS on chrome as all dial images have to be re-generated.  Makes no sense that I have to waste hr's waiting for regeneration when perhaps 2-3 items have changed.

FF seems to be failing, but export from chrome and import to FF fails.  So I cannot sync FF.  Since OS upgrade FF no longer allows login to your site.

Chrome/FF do not appear to be similar products when using any admin functions, dials are much closer if they're ever in sync.

3 months ago I would have rated you high for the speed dial sync ability, now I'm thinking less speed dials and using another product for bookmarks.  You are not in the boat alone, it seems os/browser/pc changes seems to mess up one  product or another, which doesn't make sense since there all web based.  The plugins/add-ons/extensions just seem to break with other upgrades, so the least impact is likely the best option.

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В Nimbus Note cтрока состояния отключается самостоятельно

Alex Usoff vor 9 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 9 Jahren 3
Ставлю галку на Строке состояния в меню Вид - строка состояния появляется. После перезагрузки программы - строка состояния исчезает. Можно ли ее как-нибудь зафиксировать?
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Does EverSync/FVD Media/EverHelper have a help or support page anywhere?

JanetBrauns vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert von nimbusweb vor 3 Jahren 6
My EverSync account has all of my laptop's speed dials. I had to uninstall Firefox for a separate problem, did a deep uninstall. Downloaded and reinstalled Firefox. Found and added the FVD Speed Dial extension, EverSync, Evernote Web Clipper, etc., back onto Firefox. Speed Dial did NOT restore my groups and dials from my EverSync account even though I was logged in and online. HELP
Chrisitne vor 3 Jahren

I keep getting a speed dial app icon on my task bar that has a website linked to it and its causing issues for my computer?  I don't know where it came from it just started popping in and out on my task bar liked to a website I use for one of my businesses, I thought i saw somewhere it linked to my buinsess email but can't figure out i click on it and it ususally diappears but it comes back repeatedly 


waiting on prize patrol .comG+;edward.mcdowell.carolyn.parent6.alexzander.p.mcdowell

edward .MAURICE mcdowell vor 10 Jahren aktualisiert vor 9 Jahren 2

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