Uw opmerkingen

Здравствуйте! Всегда ли так происходит? Попробуйте создать новый профиль в Firefox и установить только аддон FVD Speed Dial. Также попробуйте установить данный аддон в Google Chrome и посмотрите, насколько быстро он запускается там.

What extension do you mean? Could you show us on screenshot what do you mean? 

Add all dials you need and keep backup in file, also on our server via EverSync. Turn on auto sync, so you'll be able to restore data any time.

It's our design. I'll send your report to our dev team for discussion.

You can switch to Standart mode and look at it. The shadow is only in the bottom:

please, show us screenshot of the problem.

Сообщите нам свой аккаунт, версию браузера и ОС.

Также нам нужны детали: когда это произошло, что делалось до или в момент исчезновения дилов.

There is no such option to directly move dials to excel file. But you can try the following:

  1. upload your dials to our server via EverSync.
  2. Open everhelper.me/client
  3. Select all your dial and click Move button on the upper panel. Move dials to Bookmarks
  4. Go to Bookmarks tab and click Tools icon on the upper panel. Select Import/Export Bookmarks in the list.
  5. Make export to HTML file and save it on your PC. 

You'll have regulaк html file with the list of links. It can simplify a bit your work.

Don't understand what do you mea. Could you show it on screenshots?

Hello! Thank you for your report. Screenshots or layouts with what do you exactly mean would be helpful.