Your comments

The results did not change. . .

I decide to customize and use it myself.

Thank you.

Chromium: 79.0.3945.130(Official Build) (64-bit)


function refreshBookmarksRootIds(){

chrome.bookmarks.getChildren("0", function (children) {

// children.length=1

// bookmarks bar only



Therefore, CHROME_TOOLBAR_ID, The value is null.

this.getAllBookmarks # self.isRootFolder(rootGuid) ==true,

all bookmark is skipped.


other machine chrome.

it is No problem.


If one child, can it be a CHROME_TOOLBAR_ID?


I don't usually use speeddial.

When I tried installing it now, a local backup was created without any problems.

Probably an eversync(bookmark) problem.

sorry. I do not want to respond remotely.

I do not use the sync feature.

When a local backup is performed, it is created with 0 records.

no, chrome extension update.